Official Announcement of 3six9 x ART CAN DIE Collaboration: The Collaboration to Bring Digital Art to A Higher Level

3six9 x ART CAN DIE Collaboratoin

3six9 x ART CAN DIE Collaboration

3six9 is partnering with ART CAN DIE, a Web 3.0 ecosystem connecting artists, collectors and the public to collectively produce physical and digital art. As a part of this alliance, 3six9 will assist ART CAN DIE in featuring ART CAN DIE’s digital artworks on the 3six9 NFT Marketplace in terms of promoting the ART CAN DIE’s NFT artworks and adopting the DIE token as a means of transaction token on the NFT marketplace platform.

With a long-term mission “to inspire a new world of art that is inclusive, transparent and fair, empowering exceptional creators”, ART CAN DIE is working with great effort to leverage Web 3.0 to connect artists, collectors and the public to collectively produce physical and digital art. A shared philosophy as the core reason why 3six9 values this collaboration with ART CAN DIE.

The two teams will work hand in hand to provide art consumers with a selection of digital art to increase the online visibility of exceptional artists and their works.

The partnership will definitely expand both companies’ popularity in their strategic markets, which are Europe and Asia.

With strong roots in Web 3.0, the partnership between 3six9 and ART CAN DIE is able to benefit both companies with each other’s growing ecosystem and their complementary specialties in blockchain and art while sharing a common mission to participate in the future of art.




ART CAN DIE inspires a new world of art where artists, curators and collectors collectively produce physical and digital art.


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3six9 NFT Marketplace

3six9 NFT Marketplace

About 3six9

3six9 NFT Marketplace is an NFT marketplace platform that is built on top of Near Protocol and Aurora Blockchain. The 3six9 Team is focusing on creating the most sustainable space for the development of digital assets and helping creators and businesses to accelerate projects and create impactful values for the community.

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